Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Courtroom of Life

                 I was waiting outside of the Judgment Seat of Christ and trying, without much success, to calm the butterflies that raged in my stomach and flinching whenever the Almightys gavel pealed out like thunder, pronouncing the judgment of yet another soul. After the gavel had sounded, one of the door wardens would call for the next person to enter the courtroom.
                In a land where time has no literal meaning, its hard to be patient. Watching others go to their eternal fates and waiting for your turn is a very apprehensive task. You dont want to be called and yet the burden of the unknown weighs so heavy on your mind.
                I waited for what seemed an eternity, watching thousands of souls go before me. Then, finally, one of the angels guarding the pearl doors called my name, summoning me to face my doom, whether it be good or ill. My heart began to race. I stood up, forcing my knees to quit shaking, lest they drop me to the ground.

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